Meiro Business Explorer: segment ID in the segment detail, updates in the Setup tab

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Find quickly ID of your segment that is now displayed in the segment detail.

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Pavel Bulowski

Chief Product Officer | Co-Founder

  • Find quickly ID of your segment that is now displayed in the segment detail

Id of the segment. to be found as well in the segment URL Segment ID can be used e.g. when displaying web banners to a segmented audience. segment-ID.png

  • Updates in Setup tab

Attribute definition   Define how the value of the attribute for a customer should be calculated straight in the Setup tab. The result of the calculation should be in the correct form to be in check with the data type. Available are predefined calculations like most frequent, count, list, min, max, avg, and least frequent, or set up a custom attribute using SQL queries. Learn more

Event retention 

Select after how many days events will be deleted. It is recommended to avoid storing events for too long as it may influence the costs of data storage. There is no general recommendation about how long events should be stored, it depends on the nature of the event. To learn more contact the Meiro team. Learn more

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pavel bulowski
Pavel Bulowski

Pavel stands behind all the smooth operations and business growth. You would run into him in the queue at airports rather than in one place. Besides that, he enjoys chess, boxing, and history.