Meiro Business Explorer: reporting about users' activity

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With Meiro CDP you can see valuable data about the activity of your account users.

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Pavel Bulowski

Chief Product Officer | Co-Founder

blog-release-note.png Our customer data platform is all about data, activation, and analytics. And sometimes is great to have an overview of your Meiro users. With Meiro CDP you can see valuable data about the activity of your account users. Check the newest reporting for the activity of users across Meiro Business Explorer:

  • Total number of users, activated, never activated, and deleted users
  • Total number of logins
  • Customers tab interactions
  • Customer detail interactions
  • Custom Segments interactions
  • Featured Segments interactions
  • Smart Segments interactions
  • Data tab interactions
  • Reporting tab interactions
  • Pop up web banners tab interactions
  • Embedded web banners tab interactions
  • Promo codes tab interactions

That's not all, you can filter it out based on pre-set filters:

  • date range
  • users, users' roles, or domains of users' emails.

With this feature, you have control of users' activity and can make adjustments based on that. See the users' activity tab documentation to learn how monitoring users' activity can be handy for you and your team.

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pavel bulowski
Pavel Bulowski

Pavel stands behind all the smooth operations and business growth. You would run into him in the queue at airports rather than in one place. Besides that, he enjoys chess, boxing, and history.