Meiro Business Explorer: "Help" section, web banners, search limitations
Redesigned "Help" section. Added more positons to web banners.

CPO | Co-Founder of Meiro
Redesigned "Help" section -replaced first login guide with "Help" section with useful links customized per tab. Web banners -added more positons to web banners (both large and minimized); top middle, top left, top right, middle, middle left, middle right, bottom middle, bottom left, bottom right -close buttons were fixed and unified for large/ minimized image/ html web banners User documentation for create form & condtions: Search limistation to 3 characters -limitation to 3 characters for search customers & contains in segments/ insights User documentation for customer search, segment detail, insights setup
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Pavel stands behind all the smooth operations and business growth. You would run into him in the queue at airports rather than in one place. Besides that, he enjoys chess, boxing, and history.